DNXpert is having Greatest Domaining Blogging Contest Ever. 62 prizes are to be given away worth over $8979.13 in cash, material goods and quality digital products that a domainer / blogger can make use of.
$700 in cash from We Build Pages who offer Link Building Services. ($700 value)$200 credit deposited into NameDrive domain parking account courtesy of NameDrive.com. ($200 value)$100 Godaddy Gift card from instantdomaintool.com. ($100 value)$100 credit in Bidvertiser account. ($100 value)$100 Cash from wordpressfreelance.com ($100 value)$50 cash from Ades blog$35 Cash from Tim Schroeder of eMonetized.com. ($35 value)$35 Cash from Web Hosting Reviews. ($35 value)$30 Cash from Life is colourful. ($30 value)1 Market Leverage promo pack consisting of: MarketLeverage iFlip (digital camera), MLRewards card ($50), MarketLeverage USB Pen, MarketLeverage Polo and hat, MarketLeverage/Nike duffelbag. ($350 value)2 x Market Leverage promo pack consisting of MLRewards card ($25), MarketLeverage USB Pen, MarketLeverage Polo and hat, MarketLeverage/Nike duffelbag. (2 x $220 value)3 x Market Leverage USB Pens with $10 ML Rewards card. (3 x $35 value)6 months subscription to MarketMotive.com top internet marketing minds. ($1794 value)1 hour of SEO Consulting from Todd Malicoat from seo consulting. ($500 value)1 year’s PRO Subscriptions membership to FreshDrop.net. ($395.40 value)5 x 1 license of the software product Domain Name Pro (5 x $64.95 value)3 months membership at Aaron Wall’s SeoBook course. ($300 value)3 x 1 copy of the Domain Graduate ebook. (3 x $87 value)5 x 1 exclusive list of 100 expired domains from DNXpert.com (5 x $50 value)6 months premium clustered hosting at iMountain.com (6 x $39.95 value)2 months VIP membership at ClickMojo ($200 value)15 minute one on one phone coaching session with Simon Johnson from Domainer Income ($200 value)2 year subscription to DNSstuff pro tools. ($139 value)1 x 100 domain parking account at WhyPark.com ($99.95 value)1 copy of the Revenue Domains Exposed ebook ($97 value)2 month subscription at Wordze.com ($90 value)3 x 1 copy of the Domaining Manifesto ebook. (3 x $27 value)1 copy of Wordze’s Guide to Keyword Research & Niche Wealth Building! ($80 value)1 copy of a single use license of Brian Gardner’s Revolution blog theme of the winners’ choice ($79.99 value)1 copy of Optin Comments WP plugin. ($77 value)1 DNForum.com Platinum membership. ($59.95 value)1 yearly subscription to Gold Account at iwebtool.com ($59 value)3 x 1 copy of the Killer Domains ebook (3 x $17 value)2 x 50 available domains from WordFuse.com (2 x $24.95 value)1 featured listing on Sedo’s homepage for 1 domain. (worth $39)1 DNForum.com Gold membership ($19.95 value)1 Month DomainNews.com Newsletter Sponsorship - Top Position Advertising ($500 value)2 months 160×90 ad on ClickFire.com homepage (2 x $200 value)1 Month text link on JustDropped.com search pages ($100 value)1 month text link at DomainNameWire.com ($60 value)1 month of 125×125 banner advertising on Winning the Web ($50 value)1 month 125×125 banner advertising at DNXpert.com ($50 value)1 month 125×125 banner advertising at DotSauce.com ($40 value)1 month text link on blogaboutyourblog.com ($10 value)1 copy of Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger ebook ($16.49 value)How to join:
Subscribe to DNXpert newsletter using the form above - required. (1 point )Blog about this contest (10 points)Blog about this contest and include the Prize Recap list in your post. You can download the Prize Recap list code here. (20 points)Follow the DNXpert newsletter and blog for further chances of gaining entry points during the contest month
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