Win $1600 from 10 seconds.. Absolutely FREE!

Rockfuse is having a 10 second entry blog contest - Win over $1600 in less than 10 seconds!


1000 E-books ($1 each) on “Seven Ways To Live A Better Life” by Blogpremiere.com * [register]

Blogpremiere is an awesome forum for bloggers to hang out, share knowledge and promote their projects. Head on there now and you won’t regret it!

2 Prizes of one-hour-blog consultation worth $50 each with Jason Pereira of TheUniversityKid.com * [subscribe]

The University Kid is the brainchild of Jason Pereira, who is one of the brightest rising Internet Marketers I’ve seen. He offers and shares his strategies with his readers on TheUniversityKid.com

Traffic plan for six months valued at $120 and $20 cash via Paypal - TraffexOneClix.com * [subscribe]

TraffexOneClix offers bloggers with unique blog traffic packages, “paid to click” programs and “get paid to blog” programs and many more. Check them out for more traffic and money.

4 Copies of the E-book “Work Smart - Get Rich” valued at $15 each and blog consultation for two bloggers for 30 minutes valued at $30 each - TheNetFool.com * [subscribe]

Jim Regan shares his Internet Marketing chronicles and money making methods through his blog TheNetFool.com. You can read my review on his book “Work Smart - Get Rich” here.

$100 cash transferred through PayPal by Netline RevResponse * [register]

RevResponse is one of those too good to be true networks that allow you to make money by offering something completely free. I highly recommend them and you can check my review of them here.

125×125 sidebar banner for 6 months worth $100 by Freshy SEO * [subscribe]

Eric Odom blogs at FreshySEO.com about SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media and so on. He has many valuable tips to offer and his blog is a must-read for me.

Ad package worth $60 from ReelSuave.com* [subscribe]

A movie fan’s complete website. ReelSuave talks about reviews, previews, interviews, trailers, actor spotlights and much much more.

A blog review worth $50 by Bloggeries * [subscribe]

Rob from Bloggeries will be doing a full blog review on your blog. I’ve seen these reviews and they usually get a lot of exposure through the Bloggeries blog and forum both!

Ad Package worth $20 and a Blog Review worth $20 from TechSuave.com [subscribe]

If your looking for Blogging, Webmaster, Internet Marketing and Technology Tips all blended in one, this is it! TechSuave is the ultimate mix.

One 125×125 banner ad worth $25, One Blogroll Link worth $15 and 1000 ECs by Junkie Yard dot com * [subscribe]

Junkie Yard offers tips on blogging and various blogging resources. Be sure to check it out!

A peel-away ad package worth $8 by Making Myself Extra Money

You will win a peel-away ad package to monetize your blog in a super cool way from Making Myself Extra Money.

125×125 or 468×60 banner worth $3 and 500 Entrecard Credits from Time for a Smile

Such a simple idea converted to a blog. It’s a one of the most unique blogs around and well worth a smile:)

Entrecard Credits
The 10,500 Entrecard credits will be split between 3 entrants for 3300, 3200 and 3100 ECs.

Entrecard Credits Sponsors

3000 Entrecard Credits form Twins Happiness

2000 Entrecard Credits form John is Fit

1500 Entrecard Credits form Freebie Reporter

1000 Entrecard Credits form Singaporean in London

1000 Entrecard Credits form That Blog for Me

500 Entrecard Credits form My Travel Blog

How to join:

1. For 14 tickets, the first and the mandatory step. Subscribe to ROCKFUSE by e-mail using the form on the header or form below and leave a comment.

2. Stumble this post for 5 tickets.

3. Favorite Rockfuse blog on Technorati for 7 tickets.

4. Follow Rockfuse on Twitter for 8 tickets.

5. You can choose to subscribe to the blogs of the contest sponsors above marked with an asterisk(*), for one ticket each for a blog subscription and two tickets for Blogpremiere.com forum registration and another two tickets for signing up with RevResponse.com. You can see the links to the registration and subscription links above and you can subscribe or register for as many services as you like.

6. Blog about this contest for 27 tickets! If you blog about this contest with a link-back to the contest post and the ROCKFUSE blog, you will get 20 tickets! Hold on.. you’ll get another 13 bonus tickets if you choose to include links to all the sponsors of the contest.

7. You will get 22 tickets for displaying this 125×125 banner on the sidebar/header of your blog.

Win $1600 from 10 seconds.. Absolutely FREE!

Copy and paste this code wherever you want this banner to appear.

Contest ends on July 1


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