SweetHacks is officially 1 Years Old. Lets Start Celebrating With a $100 Contest (and more!)
Deadline: June 13,2008
1 - (The Big Prize) :- $100 Cash + Review - $100 via paypal (or other method) and a free 300-500 word review of your website or product. This gives you the chance to market your business/website/product to a readership of over 60 Thousand strong (monthly). There can only be 1 winner for this spot. Total value = $200
2 - (468×60 Banner + $10) :- This is the one you see on every page on top of SweetHacks and currently costs $100 a month so your getting $100 value for free as this placement will last for 1 month. Just to sweeten the deal, were also giving out $10 in cash with the banner! Only one winner may grab this spot (468 banner). Total value = $110
3 - (300×250 Banners + RSS feed Links ) :- Currently worth $50 a month so its a nice saving. These banners go in all posts so its a good way to advertise or promote your brand/service/website/ to all our dedicated readers as banners are located to the right handside of every article written. Furthermore, how does a free link in our RSS FEED sound? Spot Open to 5 Winners! Total Value = $60
4 - (125×125 Banners) :- Thats a $50 saving and free advertising! 5 People are free to win these 125 buttons as long as they simply comment below. Total value = $50
5 - (PR5 text link) :- The last of the folks (the last 10) will all be given a free link from our blog which is currently a pagerank 5. Total Value= $45
Simply comment. All entries will be processed and then randomly selected out from a hat. To make it fair, the contest will end after 2 weeks which means the deadline = 13th June 2008
Make sure to have your entries in as soon as possible to be able to participate in our 1 year anniversary give away.
A multiple ticket/entry will be given to people who subscribe to our RSS Feed (AND VERIFY), and another 2 entries to anyone that blogs about it, i.e:
“SweetHacks is running a fantastic new contest where you can win advertising spots for 1 month. Head on over now and enter, its as simple as leaving a comment!”
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