Zac Johnson is having a Market Leverage wherein you could Earn Big Cash! Win a Free iPod Touch & Flip Mino Video Camera and More


  • iPod Nano
  • USB Drive Pen (3 Winners)
  • $200 ML American Express Rewards card
  • Flip Video Camera *The NEW MINO
  • BONUS: iPod Touch

You have three ways to win:

  1. Join Market Leverage through the blog (iPod Nano, $200 American Express Gift Card, Free Shirt & Sticker) + Bonus iPod Touch (winner selected on 31st July - see original post for details)
  2. Blog & Link to this post on your Blog (Flip Video Camera, USB Drive Pen )
  3. Leave a Comment on this Promotion or Market Leverage (USB Drive Pen)
Contest ends on June 30, 2008


Jonathan Volk is having a Blog Contest - Sponsored By Market Leverage sponsored by MarketLeverage.


  • 1st Place - $200 Amex Gift Card AND Flip Video Camera!
  • 2nd Place - Ipod Touch!
  • 3rd Place - Market Leverage USB Flash Drive Pen

How to Join

  • Join Market Leverage (+5)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+5)
  • Leave comments on new blog post (+1/day)
  • Link to JonathanVolk.com and MarketLeverage.com from your Blogroll or on your homepage (+5)
  • more options (see original contest post for details)
Contest ends on 30th June 2008


Blog Premiere is having a Blog Premiere Extravaganza... Contest Kick off

First place winner gets:

Ultimate Blogging Package

Hosting Package

Twelve Months Swamp Plan by Hostgator


One .COM domain by Blog Premiere

Custom Wordpress Theme

Coloured Mascot by DesignFXPro
Theme Design by PSDThis
Theme Coding by PSDChopstick


One hour marketing consultation by Jason Pereira
One hour technical consultation by George Pearce
One BotW slot on Blog Premiere


One copy of OIO Publisher

Second place winner gets:

Custom Wordpress Theme

Theme Design by Photoshop Star
Theme Coding by Ophelia Nicholson


One copy of OIO Publisher


One slot on the Can’t Get Rich Podcast

Third place winner gets:

One license to three themes by Magnus Jepson
One license to the Elite Theme

Fourth place winner gets:

One license to the Elite Theme
One license to Mimbo Pro

Fifth place winner gets:

One license to the Power Theme
One license to the Ecstasy Theme

How Do I Get Points?

300 Points for submitting an accepted article to Blog Premiere’s magazine

300 Points for blogging about the contest with all sponsor links attached

150 Points for blogging about the contest without all sponsor links attached

50 Points for joining Blog Premiere’s forums (REQUIRED)

10 Points for Stumbling this contest thread

5 Points per day you link to Blog Premiere on your website

3 Points per thread you make on Blog Premiere

1 Point per post you make on Blog Premiere

Two rules:

  • Maximum of five blog posts per person of which only one can be on a blog which was setup in the last month. A maximum of three articles per person will be accepted - if yours is accepted, it cannot be used anywhere else.
  • Do not have all of your posts as one worders... try and add value to the forum.
Contest ends on July 1


Written by Garry Conn

My readership is packed full of talent. I know this more than ever after investing many hours last night speaking with many of my students in my make money online newsletter. One huge problem I faced when first getting started in this business of making money online was the fact that I felt like I could do it all by myself. I felt like I didn't need help from others and I felt like I could handle all the elements in creating a money making machine by myself without bringing in people who obviously had greater skills than me in varying elements.

Here are my observations of my readership. I have readers who are very skilled in web design but suck at writing. I have readers who are very skilled in writing but suck at marketing and promoting. I have readers who are very skilled in programming but aren't very sociable or personable. All these great qualities in people are amazing. On the other hand, everyone has weaknesses or characteristics that aren't up to par compared to others. All in all, no one is perfect and its rare to find an individual who is well rounded in having an expert level of experience in all the elements needed towards creating a money making machine on the Internet.

I have mentioned this many times in the past. However, since I do have quite a few new readers within the last few months, I want to remind people again of how important it is to network, make friends and discover the strengths as well as the weaknesses in other people you surround yourself in. Overall, this is what I see in my readership. I see hundreds of people who have the same goals, the same motivations and the same drive to achieve winning and finding success in the business of blogging and making money online. However, another very common element I see is that not many people are successful in this attempt to make money online.

The reason being is the fact that you're not coming to terms with the fact that you can't do it alone and you can't do it all by yourself. Believe me, you are not the only one who reads my blog who has the goals and the desires to learn how to make money online and take your piece of the pie that all these other successful guys are doing daily.

My suggestion for you is to bite the bullet and recognize that bad breath is better than no breath at all and come to terms with the fact that you can't do this by yourself. However, also come to terms knowing that most of everyone else reading this blog are also in the same boat. I believe that it is simply a matter of you investing some time into contacting other people and presenting your thoughts and ideas to them. You would be amazed with the results. You would also be amazed to discover how much the other person you contact would appreciate you for making an attempt to establish a connection with them.

People are desperate in this business and everyone wants the same freaking thing... yet, everyone wants to fly solo and not seek the help from others. If people in this niche could simply learn to take their guard down and remove the protective walls that surround their ideas and thoughts, then collaborating with others will become so much easier.

What can you bring to the table in a MMO project? Are you a graphic designer but don't have a clue about search engines? Well, everyone knows that a killer looking blog will go far in the niche. But also, everyone knows that a blog dead in the water with no traffic isn't good either. A graphic designer can easily pair up with an SEO and together they can make a very successful business.

Do you see where I am coming from yet? You're not going to win in this business if you keep things to yourself. You're not going to win if you keep spinning your wheels in the mud. You need someone to help you with a good push out of the mud, preferably someone who is also stuck in the mud works well. Finding a mutual partner in this business is very comforting. Two heads are so much better than one. Three heads are better than two. The more people that you can find in starting a make money online venture the better.

What are your thoughts? Drop me a comment and let me know more about how you feel about finding partners in the business. Do you think tag teaming in an online venture is for the birds? Or do you feel like it could help you? Speak your mind.

Win An Apple iPod Nano

One of the newest and most attractive programs that I use to make money online is with a program called Market Leverage. How would you like to win an Apple iPod Nano for free?

  1. Simply download this article that you just read and publish it on your blog.

  2. Then drop me a comment here so I'll have your name in the entry pool.

  3. Up for grabs is a Apple iPod Nano, a 2GB USB Pen, a flip video camera and even a $50 dollar preloaded American Express Rewards Card. All complimnents of Market Leverage!



Cdfnetworks is having a CDF Networks MarketLeverage contest


  • $200 ML Amex Rewards Card - Preloaded with $200 to spend on whatever you want.
  • Flip Ultra Video Camera - Perfect camera for video blogging.
  • Ipod Nano - Engraved with CDF Networks and MarketLeverage on the back.
  • USB Pen - Superslick pen with a built in 2 GB USB drive.

How to enter:
  • 1 pt - Comment on this post
  • 3 pts - Stumble CDF networks, then comment
  • 3 pts -Technorati Favorite CDF Networks, then comment
  • 5 pts - Link back to this post from your blog, I’ll see the trackback
  • 5 pts - Sign up for MarketLeverage, then comment


Written by Garry Conn

Many people have blogs for a multitude of reasons. Some people enjoy blogging about their family and kids so that other family members out of state can easily view pictures, videos and read about the things going on with immediate family. Other folks really enjoy writing and want to show off their stuff to the world. All in all, there are many reasons why people have blogs.

Really only a small percentage of people have blogs because they want to make money from them. Consequently, even though the percentage of people who want to make money from their blogs is small, it still happens to be one of the most difficult challenges an individual can face.

I see so many amazing and popular blogs in the blogosphere that I know for a fact get tons of traffic, even more than blogs like John Chow dot Com or ShoeMoney.com. Yet, they don't make a dime. The reason being, is that making money online isn't really their focus. Their focus is basically expressing their thoughts and views on things without any care if people read their blog or not. These folks would be happy if only their grandmother read their blog or if a million people read their blog.

These folks are in many ways is what I call natural bloggers. Their minds haven't been tainted by the whole concept of making money online and they don't worry about keyword packing, proper HTML, or optimized post titles. Amazingly, these natural bloggers defeat the odds that search engine optimization expects preach.

A prefabricated blogger is an individual who has come to the realization that there is a ton of potential to make a lot of money with a blog. That individual then sets out to start a blog strictly for the purpose of making money online.

With that being said, there is nothing wrong with being a prefab blogger; however, in doing so or in being on, you still have to run and maintain your blog as if you were a natural blogger. If you don't then you're not going to get very far in your ventures of making money online with a blog.


How do I know this? Simple. I have quite a few blogs myself. I won't lie, other than this blog, www.garryconn.com, I am a totally full blown prefab blogger. I'll make a blog out of any niche topic that I think will yield me the most amount of money with the least amount of effort.

However, in my experience, some of my better performing blogs are on topics that aren't really so "PreFab". If you take www.opticalblog.com or www.airplaneblog.com for examples. Both of these blogs don't really look or feel much different than other of my other "PreFab" blogs; however, there is one HUGE difference between these two blogs compared to my million and one other blogs. That difference is the topic.

I have over 10 years experience with eyeglasses and twice as much involvement with airplanes. I know these topics both very well and writing on this blogs comes very natural for me. Same goes with www.garryconn.com.

People who read blogs, don't like "Prefab" stuff. Blog readers enjoy natural flowing content that is written from the heart. Blog readers enjoy getting to know the author of the blog in slow chunks and also enjoy having the author tie in their content with their personal lives.

So, when you go and seek out a niche topic to create a blog in, consider that people may get turned off if you build a blog that looks like nothing more than a spam house full of ads and links. I am soon discovering that you can do much better with having less on your niche blog rather than having more.

Just because Google AdSense allows you to put up to three ad units on each page, try running only one.

Just because you have found an abundance in affiliate programs that match your niche, try campaigning and promoting only one.

If you place more focus on capturing your readers and place more focus on converting your passer by traffic and converting them into people who will bookmark or save your site to their favorites, you might find that your blog will start to grow quickly.

There is much debate about whether or not a new blog should start out of the gate monetized. I'd say it's ok to monetize your blog from the start; however, I also suggest that you always keep your readers best interest in mind. People read your content because they like you as the author and like your content.

I am learning that people place much more value in what you say rather than what your blog advertises. Consider that when you're building and maintaining your blog.

For over a year, I have launched and maintained a ton of blogs that were built for the purpose of making money online with Google AdSense. However, now I am realizing that that might not actually be the best option for me. I am now discovering the power of running and maintaining a mailing list.

A mailing list has an amazing amount of power. Imagine having the ability to send out an email to thousands of people who actually want to receive your email and want to read what you write. This is huge.

So for me, being a AdSense Guru and a "PreFab" blogger, I am now starting to come around and remap all my blogs and do less article publication designed to capture traffic and then send them away through a Google AdSense click. Instead I am now starting to self promote my mailing list forms.

It is to the point of realization now, that I would much rather NOT have a visitor leave my blog off an AdSense click. Instead I would much rather that that visitor just the click towards signing up to my mailing list.

My ultimate suggestion to you would to be more of a natural blogger who blogs regardless of how many people visit or don't visit your blog. It is very likely that your topic that you blog about also is a shared interest among many other people as well. It is just a matter of time before these people find your blog.

The question you need to ask yourself is this:

When someone does find your blog, what are you going to do with them? How are you going to utilize their visit?

Are you going to:

A.) Make some pocket change off them via an AdSense Click, or...

B.) Are you going to get them to sign up for your RSS Feed or Mailing List so that they can come back to your blog again and again?

My focus is now being more of a natural blogger and less of a "PreFabricated" blogger. I suggest that you do the same. :)

You still have to promote and market your blog. You still have to make sure that your blog is search engine friendly. You still have to do all the things that you have been doing; however, the only difference is that you now need to take advantage of the traffic that you do have. In doing so, your traffic will begin to increase and expand.

Win An Apple iPod Nano

One of the newest and most attractive programs that I use to make money online is with a program called Market Leverage. How would you like to win an Apple iPod Nano for free?

  1. Simply download this article that you just read and publish it on your blog.

  2. Then drop me a comment here so I'll have your name in the entry pool.

  3. Up for grabs is a Apple iPod Nano, a 2GB USB Pen, a flip video camera and even a $50 dollar preloaded American Express Rewards Card. All complimnents of Market Leverage!



Written by Garry Conn

Time and time again people insist on trying to convince me that StumbleUpon traffic is useless traffic. While I'll agree to some extent, it can be useless if you're not properly taking advantage of the exposure. So here's the deal. The common complaint about StumbleUpon traffic is that it doesn't convert into money. Typically, bloggers will write something cool or interesting and have it submitted into StumbleUpon resulting in thousands and thousands of visits in a very clustered and quick time frame.

The problem that people face is that the content or the theme of the story being submitted into StumbleUpon isn't something that generates sales, leads or even Google AdSense clicks. Many people feel like it is utterly useless traffic that does nothing but waste bandwidth. While I'll agree with you on one side, I am also going to disagree on the other and here's why.

StumbleUpon Traffic Eventually Leads to PageRank

Of all the things that I have had submitted into StumbleUpon, very commonly I see multiple people turn right around and write a post about what I stumbled on their own blogs. These are backlinks. Backlinks are important towards building up PageRank. The more PageRank an individual page has the more authority and power they have in delivering their own backlinks to other pages that are more important to you (e.g. pages that make you money). You may recall an article I wrote about how you can make money online by editing your old posts? Well there you go, that is the key to the topic in this article.

How To Make Money From StumbleUpon Traffic?

First off you need to get it out of your head that the ACTUAL StumbleUpon traffic will make you money. On that aspect, you are right. StumbleUpon traffic does not convert into leads, sales or even Google AdSense clicks. However, its in the actions of other Stumblers that will eventually lead to you making money. I agree with you, who cares about the "Burst Fire" flood of traffic that you get from StumbleUpon. Only thing that traffic does is suck your server system resources and eats up your bandwidth. However, when you stumble upon a box do you think inside it of outside of it?

Stumbling Upon A Box and Thinking Outside of It!

Thinking out of the box here... If you want to make money, you have to consider the value of StumbleUpon traffic. While it is obvious that many already know that the actual traffic doesn't convert, its in the upcoming weeks and months that you should be concerned with.

The strategy is in creatively writing content that is geared towards a high concentration among Stumblers while also balancing another strategy in future link building to pages that will make you money. While on the surface most people quickly balk at using StumbleUpon as a means for making money online, I am here to tell you that it can be the best thing since the invention of the wheel.

Write Content For Stumble With A Trojan Horse Inside For Google

When you write content for the purpose of getting Stumbled, write your content in a way that carefully uses keywords and phrases that you can eventually use to link to relevant pages that will make you money. The Stumble traffic wave typically only lasts a few days. By then Google will have already crawled and indexed you page. A day or two later, Google will have also crawled all the pages from the other bloggers who have pointed links to your post that was submitted into Stumble upon.

If you carefully wrote your post to include targetable keywords, after a week when the Stumble traffic dies down to nothing, you can simply go back and plug those few selected keywords with links to other pages that you have created for the purpose of making money. In due time, because so many people pointed links to the original post you submitted into StumbleUpon, that page will eventually earn PageRank.

Pages Submitted To Stumble Are Very Likely To Establish PageRank

Pages that earn PageRank establish authority. Pages that are linked from other pages with PageRank also too will earn PageRank. So when you submit your post into StumbleUpon, do so in a way where you know that in about 7 days you'll be going back to plug in links that point to the pages that really count in making money. Because you linked to those money making pages from a page that is soon to be established with PageRank, those additional money making pages will go for the ride as well.

The result will be in having pages built for making money online that end up ranking very well in the search engines. Search engine traffic in many ways is perfect traffic for the fact that if you get traffic from a search engine, it is more likely that they are interested in buying what you have to offer for the fact that they came to your page as a result of searching for it.

Win An Apple iPod Nano

One of the newest and most attractive programs that I use to make money online is with a program called Market Leverage. How would you like to win an Apple iPod Nano for free?

  1. Simply download this article that you just read and publish it on your blog.

  2. Then drop me a comment here so I'll have your name in the entry pool.

  3. Up for grabs is a Apple iPod Nano, a 2GB USB Pen, a flip video camera and even a $50 dollar preloaded American Express Rewards Card. All complimnents of Market Leverage!



Written by Garry Conn

What would you think of your blog if it were the first time visiting it? Often, this is a question you should ask yourself, but I know all to well that it's really hard to make a good decision about what you think and be consistent with what others think. From time to time, there is nothing wrong with asking your readers what they think about your current blog design.

You can even go so far as to create a poll that has a serious of questions that allows users to offer their opinions by choosing answers from multiple choice questions. Another idea is to simply write a post on your blog asking readers for their direct opinions in the comments.

Whatever method you use, encourage your readers to speak freely and also be prepared to grow some thick skin. Bloggers are usually very open with their thoughts and tend to not sugar coat things. Also, it's a great idea to ask your readers to expand on their thoughts. While you'll receive quite a huge share of comments or responses that say, "yeah, it's a cool blog dude" or, "man your blog sucks!" it would benefit you to reply back and ask them to explain more.

The important part is even though the information isn't very detailed, you did make a connection with that reader and asking them to expand further will more likely result in them doing so. With that being said here are a few blogs that I think have some really cool blog designs.



Visit www.ryanshamus.com



visit: www.courtneytuttle.com



Visit: www.fulltiltblogging.com

Why Do I Like These Blog Designs

Look at it this way. None of these are going to win prizes for being the most well designed. Well, Court's may... but that's besides the point. My focus here really isn't in cosmetics. While that is defiantly something of importance, I believe that there is something even more important. That is presenting the information that you feel is most important to your readers. All three of these designs do that.

With RyanShamus.com, within just a few seconds of visiting the site, you know exactly what he is about and what he can do for you and what you need to do to become part of his blog. With CourtneyTuttle.com, same thing... it is clear as day what Courtney is about and what action I need to do to get involved with being in kept in the loop. Lastly, FullTiltBlogging.com, I have actually used this same theme before successfully in the past. It's a very clean, simple and well designed theme.

For Aaron, it fits his needed perfectly. There isn't anything flashy and shiny that interferes with what Aaron values as being important to showcase to his readers. Aaron is recruiting and wants to build an empire of followers - which I might add he is doing very well with that - so that he can teach them what it is he wants to teach. His blog does a great job displaying what he does and how to get involved.

Whatever your objective may be with your blog, whether you're trying to get people to sign up for a subscription form, click an advertisement or buy a product. You have to showcase the items or sections that are important to you.

One thing that you should not do is overwhelm your readers with too many options. If you have too many options you'll spread your blog traffic too thin and create a situation that will be hard for you to analyse. Make your designs pretty but also keep it simple.

Win An Apple iPod Nano

One of the newest and most attractive programs that I use to make money online is with a program called Market Leverage. How would you like to win an Apple iPod Nano for free?

  1. Simply download this article that you just read and publish it on your blog.

  2. Then drop me a comment here so I'll have your name in the entry pool.

  3. Up for grabs is a Apple iPod Nano, a 2GB USB Pen, a flip video camera and even a $50 dollar preloaded American Express Rewards Card. All complimnents of Market Leverage!



Written by Garry Conn

Many bloggers often wonder some of the best niche marketing strategies are. That can be somewhat of a challenge to answer as your strategies can vary on the niche you are marketing. Here are some simple and universal thoughts that will help and guide with you through your ventures in niche marketing. These are general strategies that will help you overall. More or less, just some common sense things that I think many people including myself tend to neglect. These strategies all work very well for me with making money using Market Leverage. So here goes:

Branding: So many blogs that I find are spreading the products or things that they are trying to sell way too thin. I can visit just many niche blogs that are marketing many products and it gets overwhelming. Many months ago, I stated that new niche sites that are trying to market products and services should really pick just a few and roll with them. Even though these products aren't your own, you should act as if they were. The product that you're marketing is your brand, in essence you become an extension of the product your support and promote.

Timing: In the world of niche marketing and developing strategies, timing is everything. I focus on seasonal niche marketing. I have quite a few blogs that take full advantage of the deals market and I promote heavily holiday based products. Most profitable for me have been Black Friday, CyberModay and The Day After Christmas.

Awareness of Demand: Another reason why I work in the seasonal niche market is because I know in advanced when spikes in business will occur. People don't shop for Christmas items in July and these same people don't buy fireworks in October. I am always aware of supply and demand.

Effective Marketing: You need a channel to promote your business, product or service. I use WordPress primarily. Why? Because WordPress is a glorified web based version of FrontPage. It is well designed and produces web pages that are of very high quality in code. WordPress is very search engine friendly and with a few minor tweaks and modifications, a WordPress blog opens up a huge pipeline with many of the major search engine web crawlers. Effective marketing means everything in your niche marketing strategies. I also use online video syndication services such as YouTube, AOL Video, Revver, MySpace Video, etc. to promote my niche blog. Additionally, I use Digg, StumbleUpon, Sphinn and Propeller to thrust out mass awareness of anything I am trying to flood and promote into the blogosphere and Internet.

Micro Management / Bean Counter: Give me a blog with 100 daily visits and I'll produce a golden brick. I am very particular with things and I micro manage my traffic. When I get a visitors to my blog(s) I act as if they are physical people entering into my brick and mortar storefront. I closely control where my visitors go and what they see. My job is making sure their actions on my sites create revenue in my pocket or converts into regular readers. I closely control my outgoing links and provide very useful information.

Win An Apple iPod Nano

One of the newest and most attractive programs that I use to make money online is with a program called Market Leverage. How would you like to win an Apple iPod Nano for free?

  1. Simply download this article that you just read and publish it on your blog.

  2. Then drop me a comment here so I'll have your name in the entry pool.

  3. Up for grabs is a Apple iPod Nano, a 2GB USB Pen, a flip video camera and even a $50 dollar preloaded American Express Rewards Card. All complimnents of Market Leverage!



Bloggernoob is having a Win a Ipod Nano and other cool prizes


  • 4gb Ipod Nano(plays video)
  • 2gb USB pen
  • Flip video camera
  • $50 American Express Card.

How to join


Nickthrolson is having a Market Leverage Summer Blogging Contest Win Tons Of Prizes

wherein you could win a flip video camera worth $179.00


  • 1st: Flip video camera $179.00 Value
  • 2nd: $50 ML Amex Rewards card & A Ipod NANO
  • 3rd: Entrecard credits + 1 back link for 1 year on the blog
  • 4th: Entrecard credits + 1 back link for 1 year on the blog
  • 5th: one 2 gig USB Market Leverage Pen

How to join

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail - Mandatory
  • Write a post about this contest (+1)
  • One entry per ip address
  • In order to count your entry please leave a comment on this post
  • Must Have A Valid Shipping Address to ship items too!
Contest ends on June 17, 12 am PST


The ConchoLakeAZ.com and ConchoValleyCC.com Blog Contest has official began!

Prizes/Sponsors: 16 Lucky Winners

How to join

Bloggers: Blog about the ConchoLakeAZ.com and ConchoValleyCC.com Blog Contest. Make sure that you post the links of all the sponsors on your website.

Once you have completed the task, come back and post a comment stating that you have done so with a link to the post. (lots of Link Love for Everyone!)

Non-Bloggers: Send one (1) email addressed to three (3) of your friends about the Blog Contest with a link to the contest websites and a copy of the all the contest sponsors. Make sure that you “CC” a copy of the email that you are sending to your friends to: golf@conchovalleycc.com.

In the Subject line put: ConchoLakeAZ.com/ConchoValleyCC.com Blog Contest. Only one entry per email address, per website. (Must show a group of three different friends for each website.)

Earn Double Points by posting your comments on both websites!

www.ConchoNews.info (aka: Blog.ConchoLakeAZ.com) - 1 entry point

www.ConchoValleyCC.com – 1 entry point


SaveMoney.com is giving away $25 Gas Card or an equal amount via Paypal.


  • $25 Gas Card or an equal amount via Paypal.

How to enter:
  1. 2 Entry Ticket Link from your blog or website to any page on the Save Money.com site, return to this post, and leave a comment with a link to your entry.
  2. 1 Entry Ticket Subscribe to the Save Money Blog’s RSS feed via email.


Greatestreviews is having a Blog Contest Online with $1272 in prizes

Prize List:
1. 2 One hour’s consultation time for blogging sponsored by The University Kid ( 2X50$=100$)
2. 1,000 copies of $1 e-Book sponsored by BlogPremiere (1000$ )
3. 3 Sidebar 125 X 125 ADS for one month (3X15$=45 $)
4. 7 Icon 64 X 64 ADS for one month (7X5$=35 $)
5. 2 place in My Blog Sponsor list for two month (min 2X10$= 20 $)
6. 1 Blog Review (15 $)
7. 1 Full version Key of Win Optimiser 4 software by Ashampoo(40 $)
8. 10$ cash by PayPal email payment (10 $)
9. 1 Sidebar Text Links on Zero and Up for one month (5 $)
10. 2 Footer Text Links on Zero and Up for one month (2X1$=2 $) Total: 1272 $ +

I. Lucky Feed Subscriber
1. One copy of e-book (to first 1000 only).
2. 2 Sidebar 125 X 125ADS.
3. 10$ cash by PayPal.
4. 1 One hour’s consultation time for blogging.
1. Complete required steps.

II. Lucky Commentator

1. 1 Blog Review.
2. 2 place in My Blog Sponsor list.
1. Complete required steps.
2. Comment on at least 5 more upcoming posts.

III. Lucky Blogger

1. 1 One hour’s consultation time for blogging.
2. 2 Icon 64 X 64 ADS.
1. Complete required steps.
2. Blog about this contest on your blog with a link back to this contest page.
3. After blogging give the link of your post by commenting on this post.

IV. Lucky Stumbler

1. 1 Sidebar Text Links on Zero and Up.
2. 2 Footer Text Links on Zero and Up.
1. Complete required steps.
2. Stumble this post.

V. Lucky Digger

1. 3 Icon 64 X 64 ADS.
1. Complete required steps.
2. Digg this post . Add me as friend if you like.My Diggs Page. Put your Digg user name in comments for convenience.

VI. Lucky Twitter Follower

1. 1 Sidebar 125 X 125 ADS.
2. 1 Icon 64 X 64 ADS.
1. Complete required steps.
2. Follow me in Twitter. My Twitter Profile.Put your twitter user name in comments for convenience.

VII. Lucky Voter

1. 1 Full Verson Key of Win Optimiser 4.
2. 1 Icon 64 X 64 ADS .
1. Complete required steps.
2. Vote in Blogger Choice Awards

How to join
1. Subscribe to Feeds by E-mail
2.Put at least one comment on this post saying you are in for the contest.

Contest ends on June 30


Shauryadeep.com is having its 1st Contest worth 350$+ in prizes


    1st Prize:
    • 200$ PayPal
    • 1500 Entrecards

    2nd Prize:

    • 100$ PayPal
    • 900 Entrecards

    3rd Prize:

    • 50$ PayPal
    • 500 Entrecards

How to join:

Required - Earn 1 Ticket: You can earn a single ticket by subscribing to Shauryadeep.com RSS Feeds via email. You can do this via sidebar.

Earn 5 Tickets: Have 15 comments in this Blog and you will win 5 tickets. The Email address while commenting will be used for the draw. You will earn 5 Tickets for each 15 comments. 10 for 30 comments and so on.

Earn 24 Tickets: You can earn 24 tickets if you do a blog post about this contest with a link of this post ofcourse in your blog. You will need to comment the post url so that i can verify and add your entry to the contest. The Email address while commenting will be used for the draw.

Contest ends on June 20th


PinayJade is giving away $25 and everyone is invited to join!


1* Cash Prize of US $25 from me - 1 winner courtesy of www.pinayjade.com
2* Indonesian batik cloth to be sent to any address on regular mail 1winner courtesy of www.pinayjade.com
3* one 125 x 125 ad spot for one month - sponsored by evilwoobie.com
4* 4 x 500 EC credit points - sponsored by Dance of Motherhood.com
5* 500 ec + ad spot 125x125 for 2 weeks -sponsored by pinaymommyonline.com
6* 500 ec + ad spot 125x125 for 2 weeks -sponsored by Lourdes' Mia
7* 500 ec + ad spot 125x125 for 2 weeks -sponsored by MOMEMO
8* 500 EC credits- sponsored by Barefooted Me
9* one 125 x 125 ad spot for one month- sponsored by Buhay sa Korea
* BONUS PRIZE: 10 X 100 EC Credits to the top 10 best post - 10 winners to be chosen by Me www.pinayjade.com

This contest is open to EVERYBODY :

1) who has a blog (naturally)
2) a paypal account
(optional) Entrecard account in case you win EC Credits. If you don't have an EC account and the EC prize fall on you, you can either sign up with ENTRECARD or I will pick another winner.

4 Easy Steps to participate in the contest: (All ust be done)

1) Subscribe via email subscription.
2) Fave technorati
3) Write a post linking to main page Life and Me - http://www.pinayjade.com/ including info on this contest. And encourage your readers to join too.

4) Follow all the rules of the contest. After you've done no.1 to 4, leave a comment here

Contest ends on June 30, 2008


Blogohblog is celebrating wordpress' 5th birthday through a contest where 5 premium themes will be given out to 5 lucky winners

How to join:

  • To participate, all you have to do is blog about this contest on your blog and leave a comment in this entry
  • Free review on Blog Oh! Blog to one of the winner blogs. (worth $300)
Contest ends on June 15, 2008


Win a free Domain Name and $5 from Dotblogger


  • 1st Place Winner will win the Free Domain Name
  • 2nd Place Winner will win $ 5.00 via PayPal

How to join:
  • Blog about the Contest (5 Entries)
  • Add onto your technorati favorites(3 Entries)
  • Subscribe to RSS Feed (5 Entries)
  • Leave a Comment (1 Entry)
Contest ends on June 20


Blog Premiere is having a "Blog Premiere Extravaganza... CRAZY Contest Kicks Off!" contest. The prizes in the contest are useful to aspiring bloggers and starters. This contest will work on a points scheme. Each individual must keep track of their points throughout the duration of the contest and private message or email me the totals on July 1st


A Big Thank You To All Contest Sponsors. Let's take a short look at them...

Hosting Sponsor

Hostgator - For me, Hostgator is easily one of the best web hosts out there. Great uptime, excellent support and thousands of happy webmasters... they're here to stay and with their extremely affordable pricing I recommend them to everyone that asks me for hosting recommendations. Learn about how you can get your first month's hosting for one cent here!

Theme Sponsors

I made sure I asked designers that produced top quality themes... and most of them were happy to sponsor a licensed theme for you guys. Let's look at who they are!

Magnus Jepson - Magnus helped create a few of the Premium News Themes, as well as a slowly growing collection of his own on his website. A freelance web designer from Norway, Magnus has created themes from ranging from Grunge to Magazine styles and he agreed to sponsor a licensed copy of three different themes of his.

Brian of Elite Theme - I only came across the Elite Theme a couple of weeks ago, but it's a theme that wowed me... I love the glossy look and you guys will too. The Elite Theme is truely pushing the limits of Wordpress even further and its style will help you stand out in the blogosphere.

Darren Hoyt - A few of you will know Darren Hoyt, the creator behind the Mimbo series... he's offered up one sponsored copy of his Mimbo Pro theme, which is fairly unique not in the fact that it just looks crackingly good, but also in its backend built for the beginner - you do not have to touch the code at all if you do not want to.

Power Theme - the creator behind the Power theme series contacted me via instant messenger looking for some exposure for his brand... luckily BP had a contest coming up. There are two themes available on the website, and you can choose which one you like... both of them are of immense quality.

Ecstasy theme - last but not least, the people that created the Ecstasy theme offered up one copy for this contest... although they are one of the cheapest premium theme offerings around, do not let that fool you as the quality is certainly top notch.

Other Sponsors

Design FX Pro - Melencio at Design FX Pro designed the header for www.theuniversitykid.com as well as a few others in the blogosphere... his work is top quality and affordable for even the newest blogger. He offered to sponsor a custom drawn mascot for winner of this contest and you'll definitely have fun with something as sweet as that.

PSD Chopstick - PSD Chopstick were one of the first people to contact me about sponsoring a contest and have offered to fully code one design (which you'll win with us too!) into Wordpress. Getting a theme coded is one of the most difficult tasks around... now you don't have to worry about that.

PSDThis - Aaron from PSD This designed the sexiest looking blogging forum out there in existence... I'm talking about this one, and no - I'm not being biased at all (for once ). He's agreed to design one Wordpress layout, and coupled with the above offer this means you'll get a fully unique, custom Wordpress theme which you'd kill for normally (okay, maybe not... but it is still a nice thing to win in a contest, don't you agree? )

Ophelia Nicholson - is a personal friend and offered you all theme coding.

Eli Burford - Eli has done some of the most interesting designs in the blogosphere - creating the Exit Card graphic which brought in thousands of views for John Cow. He's offered up one Wordpress theme design just for one of you and it will certainly set you on your way to succeeding.

OIO Publisher - the developer of OIO Publisher, Simon Emery has taken an active interest in Blog Premiere... and happily donated two copies of the best advertising script for your blog. OIO Publisher automates the process of selling ads and reviews completely, and if you buy it through the link at the top of the forum you can get it for just $20, nearly half off the full price of $37.

Geoff at Can't Get Rich - Can't Get Rich takes a different look at the carnage that is the make money online section of the blogosphere and has humourous views about its happenings. He runs a podcast that has been downloaded more than 1,000 times to date, and offered a slot on it to a lucky winner amongst you... think how much exposure you will get?

George Pearce - George is the self-dubbed Fixer of the forums... when I screw up, he's there. He's offered you an hour of technical consultation, where you can ask him any questions or let him know about any problems you have and he'll get it sorted.

Prize List

First place winner gets:

Ultimate Blogging Package

Hosting Package

Twelve Months Swamp Plan by Hostgator


One .COM domain by Blog Premiere

Custom Wordpress Theme

Coloured Mascot by DesignFXPro
Theme Design by PSDThis
Theme Coding by PSDChopstick


One hour marketing consultation by Jason Pereira
One hour technical consultation by George Pearce
One BotW slot on Blog Premiere


One copy of OIO Publisher

Second place winner gets:

Custom Wordpress Theme

Theme Design by Photoshop Star
Theme Coding by Ophelia Nicholson


One copy of OIO Publisher


One slot on the Can’t Get Rich Podcast

Third place winner gets:

One license to three themes by Magnus Jepson
One license to the Elite Theme

Fourth place winner gets:

One license to the Elite Theme
One license to Mimbo Pro

Fifth place winner gets:

One license to the Power Theme
One license to the Ecstasy Theme

How to earn points

300 Points for submitting an accepted article to Blog Premiere’s magazine

300 Points for blogging about the contest with all sponsor links attached

150 Points for blogging about the contest without all sponsor links attached

50 Points for joining Blog Premiere’s forums (REQUIRED)

10 Points for Stumbling this contest thread

5 Points per day you link to Blog Premiere on your website

3 Points per thread you make on Blog Premiere

1 Point per post you make on Blog Premiere


Win 30 Premium Themes! from wpthemedesigner.com. This contest is benefitial to all wordpress users who wants to have a better wordpress themes

Prize List/Sponsors:

1 Single-use License of John Cow Milk It Theme by John Cow
Milk It Theme

Demo | Purchase | Price and Theme Info

2 Single-use Licenses of Elegants Blubs WordPress Theme by Blog Perfume

Blubs WordPress Theme
| Purchase | Price and Theme Info

2 Single-use Licenses for The Revolution by Brian Gardner

Revolution by Brian Gardner
| Purchase | Price and Theme Info

Premium Themes by Magnus Jepson
- 1 Single-use License of Polaroid Press
- 1 single-use License of Grunge Press
- 1 Single-use License of Portfolio Press

Magnus Jepson
Price and Theme Info

1 Single-user License of Money Blogger Theme by BlogOhBlogMoney Blogger
| Purchase | Price and Theme info

2 Single-use Licenses of the Elite Theme by ElitebyDesign

Elite Theme
| Purchase | Price and Theme Info

Premium Themes by MotionTheme
Motion Themes
- 1 Single-use License of Pirate Theme - Demo | Purchase
- 1 Single-use License of News Friendly Theme - Demo | Purchase
- 1 Single-use License of Easy Portfolio Theme - Demo | Purchase

1 Single-use License of TV Elements Premium Theme by WPelementsTV Elements

Demo | Purchase | Price and Theme Info

Premium Themes by PowerTheme
Mag Press Theme Video Den

- 1 Single-use License of MagPress Theme - Demo | Purchase | Price and Theme Info
- 1 Single-use License of VideoDen Theme - Demo | Purchase | Price and Theme Info

Winners Choice Theme from Blogalized
Products | Order

Premium Themes by GraphPaperPress
Graph Paper Press Image
1 Single-use License of F8 Portfolio Theme - Price and Theme info
1 Single-use License of F8 Remixed - Price and Theme info
1 Single-use License of Monochrome - Price and Theme info


Themes by Premiumnewstheme
- 3 Single-use Licenses of Fresh News
- 3 Single-use Licenses of LiveWire
- 3 Single-use Licenses of Gazette

How to join:

Blog about the Contest - (5 entries/points)

My generous sponsors are kind enough to give away Licenses of their Premium WordPress Themes in exchange of Exposure and Promotion.

Requirement on the Blog Post:

1. Write about this Contest on your blog! You can either inform others or share why you want to join.. anything goes.

2. Link Back to wpthemedesigner.com!

3. A copy and paste of the contest prizes [prize list with no images | prize list with images]

If you want to increase your chances of winning and gain additional points:

1 additional entry - Digg/Stumble
1 additional entry - Twitter Post about the contest
1 additional entry - Be on the list of my Top 10 Commentators Box (sidebar)


All participants are required to Subscribe to wpthemedesigner RSS feed using Email

Contest ends on June 30


Keith James Lock is having a contest wherein one winner could win over $1,900 worth of prizes.


How to join
Social Bookmark THIS POST and THIS SITE. Leave a comment on the OFFICIAL CONTEST POST explaining what motivated you to enter (a specific prize perhaps) and also include links so I can verify your bookmarks. For EXTRA ENTRIES you can download and post THIS ARTICLE on your blog or web site. All of the HTML is included.

Contest ends on June 23, 2008 at 12:00 PM EST


Techsuave is havinga blog contest wherein you could Win Prizes worth $1000 and more. Prizes Worth over $1000 which includes a Complete “Aspiring Blogger’s Dream Package” Prize

Prize List/Sponsors:

2 Copies of the Elite Wordpress Premium theme from Brian Lovin

After the original Elite theme creating waves in the Wordpress theme market, Brian Lovin has just released his latest New Wordpress Premium theme which is the Elite Theme.

2 Copies of the Revolution Wordpress Theme from Brian Gardner

I don’t think there is anyone in the blogosphere who doesn’t know Brian Gardner. A pioneer in the Wordpress Premium theme business. One of the oldest premium theme designers out there and still going strong.

1 Copy of the Video Flick theme and 1 Copy of the TV Elements theme from Jason Schuller

New Kid on the Block. Jason Schuller has just revolutionized V.Blogging by releasing some outstanding Video Blogging Themes some of which have been sponsored by him.

2 Copies of the Mimbo Pro Wordpress theme from Darren Hoyt

After getting phenomenal success with his Mimbo Wordpress Free Theme, Darren released the sleekest and coolest theme ever built by anyone, the Mimbo Pro theme. This theme has taken Wordpress to another level. Darren was really kind enough to sponsor 2 Mimbo Pro themes.

1 Year Web Hosting from Reel Suave

This Site is my first shot at experiencing blogging. If your a Movie buff and you are really keen about commercial, Independent, foreign and festival flicks, this is the site for you.

Unique Visitors to your blog from Mixed Market Arts

Collin LaHay is the living proof that you can make money money online. He has got all the tricks up his sleeves and he reveals each of them slowly on his blog Mixed Market Arts. He is just 18 yrs old and is already very experienced when it comes to Internet Marketing. He is an expert in search engine optimization, link building, viral marketing, and maximizing traffic for your blogs. If you have any doubts in any of the above mentioned topics, Collin is the man.

3 Copies of the Latest E-book “Work Smart, Get Rich” from The Net Fool

Jim has just 1 agenda and that is to Stay Bullish on the net. He is another aspiring entrepreneur just 18 years old and he has one eye on his blog The Net Fool and this other eye on the Stock Market. With lots of knowledge to share Jim is going to go places. He is an avid Stock Market Researcher so any doubts on that, you know who to contact.

Featured Blogger Interview on Bloghology from Search for Blogging

SearchForBlogging content is produced by Mert Erkal, a young internet entrepreneur from Istanbul, Turkey. Mert has designed several different websites since 2006 and currently works on Peopleized.com project with Halil Mandal. Mert has been working for Maersk Line, worlds largest container line since 1998. His profession is Marketing. He shares his knowledge and expertise with Small Businesses and builds up Corporate Identity. He also provides Marketing and Branding service for Small Business companies.

1 Month complete Ad Package from Search for Blogging

125 x 125 AD spot on Tech Suave

728×90 AD spot on Reel Suave

Contest Rules & How to join

  • Subscribe to Tech Suave feed (Required) (1 Ticket) or via Email (3 Tickets)
  • Blog post about the Competition (9 Tickets)
  • Comment on Mixed Market Arts (1/3 Ticket)
  • Comment on Search for Blogging(1/3 Ticket)
  • Favorite Tech Suave on Technorati (1 Ticket)
  • Join the Tech Suave Blogcatalog Group (1 Ticket)

Contest #1: Blog post about the Competition (9 Tickets)

There will be 3 winners for this Contest.

Gold Prize

1 Copy of Multiple License Mimbo Pro theme from Darren Hoyt
1 Year Web Hosting from Reel Suave
1 Copy of the Latest E-book “Work Smart, Get Rich”
125 x 125 AD spot on Tech Suave
728×90 AD spot on Reel Suave

Silver Prize

1 Copy of Single License Mimbo Pro theme from Darren Hoyt
1 Copy of the Latest E-book “Work Smart, Get Rich”

Bronze Prize

1 Copy of the TV Elements theme from Jason Sculler
1 Copy of the Latest E-book “Work Smart, Get Rich”

Contest #2: Comment on Search for Blogging(1/3 Ticket)

For every 3 comments you make on Search for Blogging, you earn 1 Ticket for this contest. So the more you comment, the more chances of winning this contest.

Prizes: Featured Blogger Interview on Bloghology from Search for Blogging (1 Winner)
1 Month complete Ad Package from Search for Blogging (1 Winner)

Contest #3: Comment on Tech Suave or Stumble any post (1/3 Ticket)

Every 3 comments on Tech Suave will earn you 1 ticket. An alternate easy way is to Stumble any 3 posts and get a ticket. So the more you comment and Stumble, the more chances of winning this contest.

Prizes: Unique Visitors to your blog from Mixed Market Arts (1 Winner)
1 Copy of the Video Flick theme from Jason Sculler (1 Winner)

Contest #4: Favorite Tech Suave on Technorati (1 Ticket)

Easiest way to earn a ticket and a Win a Cool Wordpress theme. All you have to do is to add Tech Suave to your Technorati favorites. You can do this by clicking HERE.

Prizes: 2 Copies of the Elite Wordpress Premium theme from Brian Lovin (2 Winners)

Contest #5: Join the Tech Suave Blogcatalog Group (1 Ticket)

I created the Tech Suave Blogcatalog group with the aim of having bloggers with common ideas and aims to discuss and share knowledge and information. To get a Ticket for this Contest, just go to Blogcatalog and then join the Tech Suave Group.

Prizes: 2 Copies of the Revolution Wordpress theme from Brian Gardner (2 Winners)

11 Winners and will be announced in July


TheNetfool is having a The Net Fool’s June Birthday Bash - Win a Flip Video Mino and a $50 MLRewards Card!


  • Flip Video Mino (1st Prize)
The Flip Video has quickly become the preferred recording device of bloggers. With a sleek, sexy design and the ability to shoot high-quality video and plug in directly to your computer for transferring videos, The “Flip” as it is known is the video recorder of choice. But this all new version retailing at $179.99 was just released, and is better than anything seen so far! Say goodbye to pesky AA batteries, these suckers have a rechargeable battery and tons of features you can read about on the official website.

How to join
  • Mandatory –> Registration and 1 Ticket: Subscribe to our RSS feed via email
  • 1 Ticket per Submission: Submit one of our posts to social media networks Digg, StumbleUpon and/or Mixx
  • 15 Tickets: Make a 300+ word blog post that links back to this contest at theNetFool.com and Market Leverage
  • 25 Tickets: Create a video and submit it to YouTube
Contest ends on June 25